Sunday, March 14, 2010

WHOA. a rollercoaster.

This has been one craaaaazy week.

I just talked to my dad on the phone and he told me I got accepted into the Central School in London... Yes, THE school... the only one that I have actually wanted to go to. This is ridiculous. Now I just need to see if I can afford it. Which, unfortuntately, there is a HUGE possiblity that I may not be able to. : ( But at least I got in? We will see...

This past week I've been in New York. I'm actually at the airport right now about to fly to Boston. I'm supposed to be auditioning at NETC this afternoon, but my flight was cancelled, so I had to reschedule for a later flight. I'm not sure if I will be able to make it to my audition now, but I sure am gonna bust my butt trying!

I have had such a fantastic trip thus far. I really don't want to leave the city... and get back to taking 28 very not fun hours of classes when I get home. : ( Ugh, stress.

This past weekend I attended the Intercollegiate Broadcasting Systems Conference in NYC. WMTS sent me. It was a really wonderful conference and I feel like I definitely left it feeling more knowledgeable on certain things. Not to mention the fact that it was incredibly motivating.

Then I stayed with Ryan Chitt, Brian, Austin, and Chris in Harlem. They have a really lovely flat there. Very nice. I had a blast hanging with the boys. Sad to leave.

On Wednesday I had v.i.p. tickets to see Jimmy Fallon. When I interviewed him on WMTS a week and a half ago, he hooked me up and I was able to take Ryan, Alex, and Austin as well. This past week (before I knew anything of Central..) I had pretty much set my heart on moving to the city when I graduate in May, so I've been looking at potential jobs. I contacted Jimmy Fallon's assistant through email a few days before the show to see if she knew anyone I could contact about possible getting a job doing assistant work at NBC. Sure enough, on Wednesday I got a phone call from her saying that she had contact info for me and that she spoke with Jimmy and he wanted to meet up with me after the show... WHA?! So... After the show I got the opportunity to meet up with Jimmy in the greenroom and talk for a while. He showed me around the set and then introduced me to Racheal Harris... who is HILARIOUS... lol. She was like "Hey, call me if you're ever in LA and I'll take ya to the Groundlings".... Yeah, like that would happen. ha! Either way, I had a freaking blast. Jimmy was such a sweetheart...really good guy. Kelly, his assistant, said she would be my referral for a job at NBC, so I'm working on that... We will see.

I also saw some theatre while I was here. Yesterday I went with Austin and Ryan to see "A Life in Three Acts". It had its ups and downs, but was definitely interesting. And last night, we went to see Austin's improv group, Garamond, perform. Very fun! I also got to see "Lenin's Embalmers", a new show Chris was working crew on. It was absolutely fantastic! I love seeing GOOD theatre...especially good new works... which are usually few and far between.

Well, I definitely have a lot of decisions to make within the next month.... Hopefully I can figure it out and make the right decision....What a great spring break this was! Hope I make it to Boston!!!


Anonymous said...

jesus woman! all of your accomplishments are amazing! keep it up! as for affordability for education in London, if there is a will there is a way! you have the will and i'm sure you will find a way.

Lisa said...

Hey sweetie! You are livin the life! Doing all the things I wished I did! Well, that's ok. I'll just live vicariously through you! ya! Aunt Lisa