Tuesday, June 8, 2010

two week streak

So I'm ending what has been close to a two week-long streak of craziness. Well, sorta. So I am ending it for a day, ya see, then going to Bonnaroo for the rest of the week. Can't say that won't be crazy... I guess I just feel like I've deserved some sort of break? I've been in school for five years now and have taken summer classes during every summer break..and I'm about to start grad school...so I definitely won't have a break for a while, so.... wow, this is an awful run-on.

I guess I'm simply trying to say that I'm going to slow down the partying. After Bonnaroo.

: )

On another note-- I have had, within these past two weeks, some of the best times ever. I can't even begin to tell some of the crazy stories. Feel free to ask me sometime.

And, btw, arrogance is my least favorite quality in a person. No one in this world is awesome enough to treat people like crap and it be okay..well, except maybe Ryan Adams.

Time for an early night's sleep. Detox... and go.

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