Monday, November 23, 2009

Health Continuity

I've realized I'm healthiest when I am consistent with myself. When I have days and days where Frazier drags me to Donut Country...okay, he doesn't drag me.... but for real, it's hard to keep eating well! Stan got me into a Kurzweil kick a while back. Ray Kurzweil is a 'futurist' that writes books and does research on ways to reach your optimum health, so that you can live the longest possible life in the best health possible. He just came out with a new book, too, that I haven't gotten to read yet-- (*note: Stan I know you're reading this... Bring it to me please? : ) lol) When I first started, which was about a year ago, I took on a lot of his principles. I started taking about 12 supplements a day and doing it perfectly so as not to get too much of each vitamin/mineral/herb. I've always been really interested in health and, particularly, natural cures and remedies. I honestly believe that if I weren't a performer, I would devote my time to going to school for holistics and maybe start up a yoga studio. Lol. Sounds hippie, I know, but I would! ha!

Anyway--I spend time trying to work different things into my life at different times. You can't just incorporate new habits into your life (if you want them to last!) all at once. Previously, I've wiped out dark sodas...then I cut out sugar from my tea...then sugar from my coffee (and occassionally cream ; )), and now I'm working on replacing my coffee for tea (for the most part). I just drink too much coffee. Seriously, too much. Studies have been shown that coffee can be good for you, but too much of a good thing is usually never good. Anywho-- On my tea kick, I'm now drinking lots of green tea (my favorite being a london brand 'Twinings' with mint!). I've also begun drinking chamomile tea every night for a little while before bed. Chamomile is not only good for you, but it will knock you out!!--something I need badly; it's usually very difficult for me to fall asleep at night. My mind races thinking "Okay, Alli, what do you need to do tomorrow? Get up at 5 am and write an essay, work out at 7am...etc, etc.". Unnecessary! I don't think I'm going to forget all that I need to do when I get up in the morning. I just have to put that stuuuufff aside when I'm going to sleep. Who wants to have dreams about homework? poooie.

I'm also currently focused on lowering my body fat percentage...which is not easy to do, but I'm trying really really hard!! lol. When I read Kurzweil's stuff, I just think "Ya know, if I'm not in the best shape that I can possibly be when I'm 22, when will I be?". No time like the present, right?! I've already made some progress!! People focus waaaay too much on losing weight. I had this conversation with a girl the other day who told me she's going vegetarian to lose weight....and then I noticed she was eating a bunch of french fries, grilled cheese, stuff like that... People need to realize that going vegetarian doesn't just make you lose weight... You have to try even harder than others to be healthy, but the payoff is ten times healthier than if you were getting that protein through meat. So, anywho...just got off on a tagent there. I'll let you know how this body fat percentage thing goes! Six-pack baby! lol. I need to be able to beat up these crazy people running around on MTSU's campus... ahhh....

Friday, November 20, 2009

Green Tea and "Lost"

I don't get to watch much tv...BUT Fraiz and I just got the seasons of Lost that we haven't seen yet... which means we started watching it last night...which means we will continue every night until we are finished...regardless of how late it is or how much we have to do or how little sleep we are running on.... That's dedication, baby!

Today has been a productive day. I worked out a LOT. When I actually have time to workout, I get kinda obsessed with it. I loooooove the feeling you get.. not WHILE you're working out...duh... but after. It's nice. Kinda funny, too... I almost feel like I'm glowing when I get down working out.. Weeeeeird, I'm like radioactive or something?!

I can't believe the semester is coming to an end. This is my NINTH semester of college-- Crazy, huh? I feel really old. It's kinda funny because I always get told I look a lot younger than I actually am. Hopefully one day that will work for me and not against me. I do get told I look like Sally Fields... my mommy gets it, too.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

chuggin' right along

Worked super duper late last night, however, it was well worth my time. At first, it was completely and utterly slow and I wasn't making any money..lame... and then, it stayed slow, but the people I got to wait on were incredible! Seriously--Two people left me $20...which is ridiculous...another couple left me $10... I guess they picked up on my telepathic rays letting them know how broke I am.. lol. I love people like that. : )

I may be working on Thanksgiving. I got my brother a job at SNS, too, and he works that night, so I might just go ahead and work as well. I still have the daytime with the fam.

It looks beautiful outside today! I'm stoked. I got my bike back too!! Which is AWESOME!! I missed her very very much...I hate cars, especially mine that is slowing falling apart. I can't wait until I live in a city where I don't need a car at all. Seriously, the subway and the metro, even though fairly dirty, turned out to be my best friends. Sooo fast!

I was talking to some guys last night about naturally carbonated water. One of the guys was asking if we had soda water and we don't, so.. then a guy was giving him crap, because soda water is so "unnatural"...Then I told him there are actually NATURALLY carbonated springs. Isn't that crazy? Sounds like a weird concept, but foo realz..

Then we got (somehow) on the topic of busking, which totally took me back to Dusseldorf this past summer. Fraiz, Mike, and I went busking and made 40 Euro in like 3 hours! We just sung and played some pop songs. It was ridiculous. It makes me want to just pack a bag and fly to Europe to busk and backpack. That alone would pay for my trip, so why not? It's interesting to me the different perspectives people have in the US and Europe. In the US, if you see someone busking on the street, they are usually looked down on or considered "bums". In Europe, people actually look at that as entertainment! Granted, you have to still be good... But there are plenty of good artists playing around Nashville, but still..."bums".

Speaking of performing, songwriting has kinda taken the backseat in my life for the moment. Sometimes I just have to do that with certain things... I can't do everything at once! gosh. I'm going to try to start writing again though. I have to write a song for my popular music class-- perhaps I'll start there!

Good day, everyone!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Very relaxing, really. Got up early and worked out. Nothing like a relaxing morning. Some people don't like mornings. I don't when I'm sleepy, but for the most part, they're terrific. It's like a fresh new start, ya know? Everyone's always searching for a way to get another chance at life, right? Some people find that in changing their hair color, some end relationships to find themselves again, some lose weight in hopes of making themselves better. I, however, rely on my mornings. If something didn't go right the day before, you get another chance to get it right. Ever since I was little, I've always had that desire to "start over". If something didn't go exactly as planned or how I wanted it, I would "start over", becoming devastated each time that I wasn't successful. I failed to realize (until my college years) that we get a new day...every day. Wake up on the right side of the bed and give life another chance!

Working at WMOT right now. I really do love what I do here. And the people I work with are fantastic. I'm running out of here to pick up a shift at SNS.

Honduran Coffee

Man, I miss it. Talk about some good stuff. I can't believe it's been six months since I went to Honduras. Crazy how time flies, huh?

I'm up uber early this morning. Drinking some...Folgers, unfortunately...rather than Honduran coffee. About to get to movin'! Gotta hit up some yoga and de-stress my tired mind and limbs....


Monday, November 16, 2009

a long overdue high-pitched mew

Long time, no write! Lots going on here, surprise, surprise.

Really, life is good. I'm super duper busy, and even though I get stressed at times, when I look at it from a bird's eye view, my life really is terrific...even if I may be "college broke". lol. I'm so thankful for everything I have and everyone I've met.

Doing lots of planning for my "after college career". fun fun. Applying to grad schools, not sure where I'll end up. Filling out papers for several schools, but probably won't apply to all. I'm still trying to figure out which ones I think I could be super happy at. It may end up that I can't even afford grad school, but that's alright, too. I'm going to the Midwest Theatre auditions in the Spring. I'm also looking into other auditions during grad school auditions-- Going to Chicago in February to audition for the Central School of Speech and Drama in London!! Woop woop! Might audition for others, too... might as well since I'm already there, right?

Doing a show right now-- Keely and Du by Jane Martin. I'm playing "Keely", a woman who was raped by her ex-husband and then kidnapped by "Operation Retrieval", a religious extremist group that kidnaps women who are going to have abortions and forces them to give birth to the child. It's an intense show, but it's really well written. It shows both sides equally--something not many writers are very good at doing. It's hard to look at things objectively when you have a strong opinion on something.

Mary Kae is going through Chemotherapy right now for her pancreatic cancer. The chemo is actually working on her metastatic pancreatic cancer in the liver for the moment. When that gets cleaned up, they will head into the pancreas to remove the tumor. This is a very difficult time right now, but everyone is keeping the faith. I'm sure it's especially hard for her. I don't know if I would be able to be as strong as she is. She really is a strong woman and I really look up to her for that. She's gone through this before (breast cancer several years ago) and she beat it. I know she can and will do this again. You can't help but ask yourself 'why?'... Why would the same person have to go through something so trying more than once in their life? It really isn't fair. I'm trying my hardest to be there for Fraiz. Sometimes there isn't much I can do other than give a shoulder. She will defeat this. I know it. Please keep her in your prayers.

In my last post, I talked about the possibility of me being hypoglycemic. Well, I got it checked out and my doctor thinks that it (the sweating) is caused by high levels of msg--something prevalant in hard candies.... my favorite candies... Gotta cut it back. : /

I got new headshots done by a fantastic photographer-- Allan Williams. You must check him out if you're looking for new headshots!

Also-- Another great photographer, Tim Frazier, is especially great with artsy shots and recently returned to TN from his 3 year stay in Japan. Check it out:

Fraiz and I recently had our 2 year anniversary. I know, I know--"aaaww". lol. It really is great. We have our moments when we want to rip each other's hair out, but, man, when it's good, it's good. He makes me so happy. I've never had this kind of chemistry with anyone. When we aren't "go go go" all the time and we just have time to just chill and be goofy with each other, those are the moments I live for. When I'm sitting there with him doing absolutely nothing (lol!) and know that I wouldn't rather be anywhere else with anyone else, that's when I know we're doing something right. I know it sounds super cheesy... but I can't help it... : )

Working on some cool new things with WMTS. Managing a radio station definitely keeps me busy. Although I'm not looking for a career in radio when I get out, I could definitely see myself doing some part-time work in between shows and whatnot. I love it.

Starting my internship soon with a great guy named Tyson Bowman, owner of Guitar Shark Music. I'm really looking forward to it. I love when people are ambitious and just go for things, ya know? Especially in these times...

I can't believe I was able to work out my graduation for BOTH of my degrees in May!! I'm super stoked! I thought I would only be able to graduate with my Theatre degree in May, finishing my Music degree over the summer... However, I'm going to be taking 28 hours... Ah! No, that's not a typo. But it will be worth it. Hard work, baby!! I live fo' it!

Peace for now.