Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy Happy Joy Joy

When I got home last night I was not up for typing much... Two long island iced teas mixed with a looong day at work made me uber sleepy.

It was a fantastic day though. This was the first time I've worked a morning shift at the restaurant and I must say that it is very tempting to switch all of my shifts to mornings. It has been difficult working in the not-friendly-at-all atmosphere of the evenings...and, let me tell ya, the daytimers are alot more cheerful. The change was remarkable. Plus-- I realized that the whole "let's be snooty thing" going on in the evenings is not just in my mind-- another girl, also new, has realized the exact same thing. Kinda makes me feel a little better, I guess? I mean, not that this poor girl is going through the same thing as me, but the simple fact that I'm not just crazy... ha.

After work last night, I had a blast with two of my favorite friends. : ) Both of whom subscribe to my blog... true friendship there! ha! I really do love those boys.

Now-- this is going to get really cheesy for a moment, but since this is my blog...which consists of my inner ramblings and thoughts...

I've been thinking a lot about happiness. What does the word really mean anyways?? And how the heck are people supposed to find it??

Well, in most people's minds I think the idea of happiness is all wrong. For one, people tend to think that if things go wrong in their lives, everything about their life should be lessened and, in turn, this makes them unhappy. For example, say someone has everything they could possibly want--a great family, friends, and a good job-- and then they get dumped or lose their job or something like that... Suddenly that one thing ruins their entire realm of "happiness". I think the main problem here is simply dwelling. These people dwell on the bad things that have happened...and completely forget all of the wonderful things.

I know it sounds ridiculous, but I really believe this. I've been so happy as of late even among some really crazy happenings and I've been trying to figure out why. That is the reason. I've been doing really well at either getting things off my chest immediately and not dwelling or just letting them go in some way or another. Try it sometime. It really will make you happier. Life is too short to brew over the little things. Just consider it for a moment, do what you can with that, and stop thinking about it. Freeeeee your mind....

In the meantime...if you haven't subscribed to my other awesome blog ; ).....

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