I've realized I'm healthiest when I am consistent with myself. When I have days and days where Frazier drags me to Donut Country...okay, he doesn't drag me.... but for real, it's hard to keep eating well! Stan got me into a Kurzweil kick a while back. Ray Kurzweil is a 'futurist' that writes books and does research on ways to reach your optimum health, so that you can live the longest possible life in the best health possible. He just came out with a new book, too, that I haven't gotten to read yet-- (*note: Stan I know you're reading this... Bring it to me please? : ) lol) When I first started, which was about a year ago, I took on a lot of his principles. I started taking about 12 supplements a day and doing it perfectly so as not to get too much of each vitamin/mineral/herb. I've always been really interested in health and, particularly, natural cures and remedies. I honestly believe that if I weren't a performer, I would devote my time to going to school for holistics and maybe start up a yoga studio. Lol. Sounds hippie, I know, but I would! ha!
Anyway--I spend time trying to work different things into my life at different times. You can't just incorporate new habits into your life (if you want them to last!) all at once. Previously, I've wiped out dark sodas...then I cut out sugar from my tea...then sugar from my coffee (and occassionally cream ; )), and now I'm working on replacing my coffee for tea (for the most part). I just drink too much coffee. Seriously, too much. Studies have been shown that coffee can be good for you, but too much of a good thing is usually never good. Anywho-- On my tea kick, I'm now drinking lots of green tea (my favorite being a london brand 'Twinings' with mint!). I've also begun drinking chamomile tea every night for a little while before bed. Chamomile is not only good for you, but it will knock you out!!--something I need badly; it's usually very difficult for me to fall asleep at night. My mind races thinking "Okay, Alli, what do you need to do tomorrow? Get up at 5 am and write an essay, work out at 7am...etc, etc.". Unnecessary! I don't think I'm going to forget all that I need to do when I get up in the morning. I just have to put that stuuuufff aside when I'm going to sleep. Who wants to have dreams about homework? poooie.
I'm also currently focused on lowering my body fat percentage...which is not easy to do, but I'm trying really really hard!! lol. When I read Kurzweil's stuff, I just think "Ya know, if I'm not in the best shape that I can possibly be when I'm 22, when will I be?". No time like the present, right?! I've already made some progress!! People focus waaaay too much on losing weight. I had this conversation with a girl the other day who told me she's going vegetarian to lose weight....and then I noticed she was eating a bunch of french fries, grilled cheese, stuff like that... People need to realize that going vegetarian doesn't just make you lose weight... You have to try even harder than others to be healthy, but the payoff is ten times healthier than if you were getting that protein through meat. So, anywho...just got off on a tagent there. I'll let you know how this body fat percentage thing goes! Six-pack baby! lol. I need to be able to beat up these crazy people running around on MTSU's campus... ahhh....
Monday, November 23, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Green Tea and "Lost"
I don't get to watch much tv...BUT Fraiz and I just got the seasons of Lost that we haven't seen yet... which means we started watching it last night...which means we will continue every night until we are finished...regardless of how late it is or how much we have to do or how little sleep we are running on.... That's dedication, baby!
Today has been a productive day. I worked out a LOT. When I actually have time to workout, I get kinda obsessed with it. I loooooove the feeling you get.. not WHILE you're working out...duh... but after. It's nice. Kinda funny, too... I almost feel like I'm glowing when I get down working out.. Weeeeeird, I'm like radioactive or something?!
I can't believe the semester is coming to an end. This is my NINTH semester of college-- Crazy, huh? I feel really old. It's kinda funny because I always get told I look a lot younger than I actually am. Hopefully one day that will work for me and not against me. I do get told I look like Sally Fields... my mommy gets it, too.
Today has been a productive day. I worked out a LOT. When I actually have time to workout, I get kinda obsessed with it. I loooooove the feeling you get.. not WHILE you're working out...duh... but after. It's nice. Kinda funny, too... I almost feel like I'm glowing when I get down working out.. Weeeeeird, I'm like radioactive or something?!
I can't believe the semester is coming to an end. This is my NINTH semester of college-- Crazy, huh? I feel really old. It's kinda funny because I always get told I look a lot younger than I actually am. Hopefully one day that will work for me and not against me. I do get told I look like Sally Fields... my mommy gets it, too.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
chuggin' right along
Worked super duper late last night, however, it was well worth my time. At first, it was completely and utterly slow and I wasn't making any money..lame... and then, it stayed slow, but the people I got to wait on were incredible! Seriously--Two people left me $20...which is ridiculous...another couple left me $10... I guess they picked up on my telepathic rays letting them know how broke I am.. lol. I love people like that. : )
I may be working on Thanksgiving. I got my brother a job at SNS, too, and he works that night, so I might just go ahead and work as well. I still have the daytime with the fam.
It looks beautiful outside today! I'm stoked. I got my bike back too!! Which is AWESOME!! I missed her very very much...I hate cars, especially mine that is slowing falling apart. I can't wait until I live in a city where I don't need a car at all. Seriously, the subway and the metro, even though fairly dirty, turned out to be my best friends. Sooo fast!
I was talking to some guys last night about naturally carbonated water. One of the guys was asking if we had soda water and we don't, so.. then a guy was giving him crap, because soda water is so "unnatural"...Then I told him there are actually NATURALLY carbonated springs. Isn't that crazy? Sounds like a weird concept, but foo realz..
Then we got (somehow) on the topic of busking, which totally took me back to Dusseldorf this past summer. Fraiz, Mike, and I went busking and made 40 Euro in like 3 hours! We just sung and played some pop songs. It was ridiculous. It makes me want to just pack a bag and fly to Europe to busk and backpack. That alone would pay for my trip, so why not? It's interesting to me the different perspectives people have in the US and Europe. In the US, if you see someone busking on the street, they are usually looked down on or considered "bums". In Europe, people actually look at that as entertainment! Granted, you have to still be good... But there are plenty of good artists playing around Nashville, but still..."bums".
Speaking of performing, songwriting has kinda taken the backseat in my life for the moment. Sometimes I just have to do that with certain things... I can't do everything at once! gosh. I'm going to try to start writing again though. I have to write a song for my popular music class-- perhaps I'll start there!
Good day, everyone!
I may be working on Thanksgiving. I got my brother a job at SNS, too, and he works that night, so I might just go ahead and work as well. I still have the daytime with the fam.
It looks beautiful outside today! I'm stoked. I got my bike back too!! Which is AWESOME!! I missed her very very much...I hate cars, especially mine that is slowing falling apart. I can't wait until I live in a city where I don't need a car at all. Seriously, the subway and the metro, even though fairly dirty, turned out to be my best friends. Sooo fast!
I was talking to some guys last night about naturally carbonated water. One of the guys was asking if we had soda water and we don't, so.. then a guy was giving him crap, because soda water is so "unnatural"...Then I told him there are actually NATURALLY carbonated springs. Isn't that crazy? Sounds like a weird concept, but foo realz..
Then we got (somehow) on the topic of busking, which totally took me back to Dusseldorf this past summer. Fraiz, Mike, and I went busking and made 40 Euro in like 3 hours! We just sung and played some pop songs. It was ridiculous. It makes me want to just pack a bag and fly to Europe to busk and backpack. That alone would pay for my trip, so why not? It's interesting to me the different perspectives people have in the US and Europe. In the US, if you see someone busking on the street, they are usually looked down on or considered "bums". In Europe, people actually look at that as entertainment! Granted, you have to still be good... But there are plenty of good artists playing around Nashville, but still..."bums".
Speaking of performing, songwriting has kinda taken the backseat in my life for the moment. Sometimes I just have to do that with certain things... I can't do everything at once! gosh. I'm going to try to start writing again though. I have to write a song for my popular music class-- perhaps I'll start there!
Good day, everyone!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Very relaxing, really. Got up early and worked out. Nothing like a relaxing morning. Some people don't like mornings. I don't when I'm sleepy, but for the most part, they're terrific. It's like a fresh new start, ya know? Everyone's always searching for a way to get another chance at life, right? Some people find that in changing their hair color, some end relationships to find themselves again, some lose weight in hopes of making themselves better. I, however, rely on my mornings. If something didn't go right the day before, you get another chance to get it right. Ever since I was little, I've always had that desire to "start over". If something didn't go exactly as planned or how I wanted it, I would "start over", becoming devastated each time that I wasn't successful. I failed to realize (until my college years) that we get a new day...every day. Wake up on the right side of the bed and give life another chance!
Working at WMOT right now. I really do love what I do here. And the people I work with are fantastic. I'm running out of here to pick up a shift at SNS.
Working at WMOT right now. I really do love what I do here. And the people I work with are fantastic. I'm running out of here to pick up a shift at SNS.
Honduran Coffee
Man, I miss it. Talk about some good stuff. I can't believe it's been six months since I went to Honduras. Crazy how time flies, huh?
I'm up uber early this morning. Drinking some...Folgers, unfortunately...rather than Honduran coffee. About to get to movin'! Gotta hit up some yoga and de-stress my tired mind and limbs....
I'm up uber early this morning. Drinking some...Folgers, unfortunately...rather than Honduran coffee. About to get to movin'! Gotta hit up some yoga and de-stress my tired mind and limbs....
Monday, November 16, 2009
a long overdue high-pitched mew
Long time, no write! Lots going on here, surprise, surprise.
Really, life is good. I'm super duper busy, and even though I get stressed at times, when I look at it from a bird's eye view, my life really is terrific...even if I may be "college broke". lol. I'm so thankful for everything I have and everyone I've met.
Doing lots of planning for my "after college career". fun fun. Applying to grad schools, not sure where I'll end up. Filling out papers for several schools, but probably won't apply to all. I'm still trying to figure out which ones I think I could be super happy at. It may end up that I can't even afford grad school, but that's alright, too. I'm going to the Midwest Theatre auditions in the Spring. I'm also looking into other auditions during grad school auditions-- Going to Chicago in February to audition for the Central School of Speech and Drama in London!! Woop woop! Might audition for others, too... might as well since I'm already there, right?
Doing a show right now-- Keely and Du by Jane Martin. I'm playing "Keely", a woman who was raped by her ex-husband and then kidnapped by "Operation Retrieval", a religious extremist group that kidnaps women who are going to have abortions and forces them to give birth to the child. It's an intense show, but it's really well written. It shows both sides equally--something not many writers are very good at doing. It's hard to look at things objectively when you have a strong opinion on something.
Mary Kae is going through Chemotherapy right now for her pancreatic cancer. The chemo is actually working on her metastatic pancreatic cancer in the liver for the moment. When that gets cleaned up, they will head into the pancreas to remove the tumor. This is a very difficult time right now, but everyone is keeping the faith. I'm sure it's especially hard for her. I don't know if I would be able to be as strong as she is. She really is a strong woman and I really look up to her for that. She's gone through this before (breast cancer several years ago) and she beat it. I know she can and will do this again. You can't help but ask yourself 'why?'... Why would the same person have to go through something so trying more than once in their life? It really isn't fair. I'm trying my hardest to be there for Fraiz. Sometimes there isn't much I can do other than give a shoulder. She will defeat this. I know it. Please keep her in your prayers.
In my last post, I talked about the possibility of me being hypoglycemic. Well, I got it checked out and my doctor thinks that it (the sweating) is caused by high levels of msg--something prevalant in hard candies.... my favorite candies... Gotta cut it back. : /
I got new headshots done by a fantastic photographer-- Allan Williams. You must check him out if you're looking for new headshots! www.AWilliamsPhotograph.com.
Also-- Another great photographer, Tim Frazier, is especially great with artsy shots and recently returned to TN from his 3 year stay in Japan. Check it out: www.fantim.org
Fraiz and I recently had our 2 year anniversary. I know, I know--"aaaww". lol. It really is great. We have our moments when we want to rip each other's hair out, but, man, when it's good, it's good. He makes me so happy. I've never had this kind of chemistry with anyone. When we aren't "go go go" all the time and we just have time to just chill and be goofy with each other, those are the moments I live for. When I'm sitting there with him doing absolutely nothing (lol!) and know that I wouldn't rather be anywhere else with anyone else, that's when I know we're doing something right. I know it sounds super cheesy... but I can't help it... : )
Working on some cool new things with WMTS. Managing a radio station definitely keeps me busy. Although I'm not looking for a career in radio when I get out, I could definitely see myself doing some part-time work in between shows and whatnot. I love it.
Starting my internship soon with a great guy named Tyson Bowman, owner of Guitar Shark Music. I'm really looking forward to it. I love when people are ambitious and just go for things, ya know? Especially in these times...
I can't believe I was able to work out my graduation for BOTH of my degrees in May!! I'm super stoked! I thought I would only be able to graduate with my Theatre degree in May, finishing my Music degree over the summer... However, I'm going to be taking 28 hours... Ah! No, that's not a typo. But it will be worth it. Hard work, baby!! I live fo' it!
Peace for now.
Really, life is good. I'm super duper busy, and even though I get stressed at times, when I look at it from a bird's eye view, my life really is terrific...even if I may be "college broke". lol. I'm so thankful for everything I have and everyone I've met.
Doing lots of planning for my "after college career". fun fun. Applying to grad schools, not sure where I'll end up. Filling out papers for several schools, but probably won't apply to all. I'm still trying to figure out which ones I think I could be super happy at. It may end up that I can't even afford grad school, but that's alright, too. I'm going to the Midwest Theatre auditions in the Spring. I'm also looking into other auditions during grad school auditions-- Going to Chicago in February to audition for the Central School of Speech and Drama in London!! Woop woop! Might audition for others, too... might as well since I'm already there, right?
Doing a show right now-- Keely and Du by Jane Martin. I'm playing "Keely", a woman who was raped by her ex-husband and then kidnapped by "Operation Retrieval", a religious extremist group that kidnaps women who are going to have abortions and forces them to give birth to the child. It's an intense show, but it's really well written. It shows both sides equally--something not many writers are very good at doing. It's hard to look at things objectively when you have a strong opinion on something.
Mary Kae is going through Chemotherapy right now for her pancreatic cancer. The chemo is actually working on her metastatic pancreatic cancer in the liver for the moment. When that gets cleaned up, they will head into the pancreas to remove the tumor. This is a very difficult time right now, but everyone is keeping the faith. I'm sure it's especially hard for her. I don't know if I would be able to be as strong as she is. She really is a strong woman and I really look up to her for that. She's gone through this before (breast cancer several years ago) and she beat it. I know she can and will do this again. You can't help but ask yourself 'why?'... Why would the same person have to go through something so trying more than once in their life? It really isn't fair. I'm trying my hardest to be there for Fraiz. Sometimes there isn't much I can do other than give a shoulder. She will defeat this. I know it. Please keep her in your prayers.
In my last post, I talked about the possibility of me being hypoglycemic. Well, I got it checked out and my doctor thinks that it (the sweating) is caused by high levels of msg--something prevalant in hard candies.... my favorite candies... Gotta cut it back. : /
I got new headshots done by a fantastic photographer-- Allan Williams. You must check him out if you're looking for new headshots! www.AWilliamsPhotograph.com.
Also-- Another great photographer, Tim Frazier, is especially great with artsy shots and recently returned to TN from his 3 year stay in Japan. Check it out: www.fantim.org
Fraiz and I recently had our 2 year anniversary. I know, I know--"aaaww". lol. It really is great. We have our moments when we want to rip each other's hair out, but, man, when it's good, it's good. He makes me so happy. I've never had this kind of chemistry with anyone. When we aren't "go go go" all the time and we just have time to just chill and be goofy with each other, those are the moments I live for. When I'm sitting there with him doing absolutely nothing (lol!) and know that I wouldn't rather be anywhere else with anyone else, that's when I know we're doing something right. I know it sounds super cheesy... but I can't help it... : )
Working on some cool new things with WMTS. Managing a radio station definitely keeps me busy. Although I'm not looking for a career in radio when I get out, I could definitely see myself doing some part-time work in between shows and whatnot. I love it.
Starting my internship soon with a great guy named Tyson Bowman, owner of Guitar Shark Music. I'm really looking forward to it. I love when people are ambitious and just go for things, ya know? Especially in these times...
I can't believe I was able to work out my graduation for BOTH of my degrees in May!! I'm super stoked! I thought I would only be able to graduate with my Theatre degree in May, finishing my Music degree over the summer... However, I'm going to be taking 28 hours... Ah! No, that's not a typo. But it will be worth it. Hard work, baby!! I live fo' it!
Peace for now.
Monday, October 12, 2009
I've decided to become healthier--for several reasons. First of all, I am already preeettty healthy, but I know there is more than I can do:
-I think I have hypoglycemia. Which sucks real bad. I have noticed since I was little that I always sweat when I eat processed sugar( i.e. candy, cake, etc.). I never really knew what it was caused by until the day before yesterday. Apparently, when people are hypoglycemic, they have low blood sugar. Makes no sense, right? How can I have low blood sugar when I eat plenty of sugar?? Well, when I eat processed sugar, my body makes more insulin than a normal person, which, in turn, eats up the processed sugar too quickly leaving me with an off-set balance of too much insulin and too little sugar. Eventually, if I keep on eating much processed sugar, my body will eventually stop making insulin altogether, which would make me diabetic. SO-- even though it really sucks, I can't eat processed sugar. : ( But really, it will be better for me in the long run anyways.
-I've also gotten migraines for a loooong time. I went to the doctor about a year ago and had all kinds of tests to determine what triggered them. After the testing, they couldn't find anything wrong and just diagnosed me with chronic migraines. The doctor gave me a medication to get rid of them and it has worked for a year. However, I hate hate hate having to rely on a medicine to be happy, ya know? It just stinks. And if I miss a dose, I get all kinds of migraines all through the day. SO-- I am going to try to ween myself off of the medication and try different natural cures at home to see if one will work for me instead. I really hope it works. : )
That's all for now. Just thought I'd share!
-I think I have hypoglycemia. Which sucks real bad. I have noticed since I was little that I always sweat when I eat processed sugar( i.e. candy, cake, etc.). I never really knew what it was caused by until the day before yesterday. Apparently, when people are hypoglycemic, they have low blood sugar. Makes no sense, right? How can I have low blood sugar when I eat plenty of sugar?? Well, when I eat processed sugar, my body makes more insulin than a normal person, which, in turn, eats up the processed sugar too quickly leaving me with an off-set balance of too much insulin and too little sugar. Eventually, if I keep on eating much processed sugar, my body will eventually stop making insulin altogether, which would make me diabetic. SO-- even though it really sucks, I can't eat processed sugar. : ( But really, it will be better for me in the long run anyways.
-I've also gotten migraines for a loooong time. I went to the doctor about a year ago and had all kinds of tests to determine what triggered them. After the testing, they couldn't find anything wrong and just diagnosed me with chronic migraines. The doctor gave me a medication to get rid of them and it has worked for a year. However, I hate hate hate having to rely on a medicine to be happy, ya know? It just stinks. And if I miss a dose, I get all kinds of migraines all through the day. SO-- I am going to try to ween myself off of the medication and try different natural cures at home to see if one will work for me instead. I really hope it works. : )
That's all for now. Just thought I'd share!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Never knew that was minstrel song... It's crazy what things we have grown up on and yet we have no idea where its roots lie. It's almost like we (Americans) try to hide some of the uglier things within our country's history...Anywho, we'll save that for another day--
Life is going well for the most part. School is CAAHHHRAZY busy, but that's the norm. "I'll Be Seeing You" opened last weekend at MIllworks. It's a really great show, and I hope the word gets out about it. It's very difficult to open a theatre in general, but especially in today's economy. Hopefully, audiences will pick up. A ton of my family and friends were able to make it on Friday night, so that made me super happy...
Speaking of family and friends, Fraiz and my Mom mischeviously put together a surprise party for me. I had noooo idea and it was incredibly weird walking in to my parents' house seeing most of my best friends and family. Such a wonderful moment-- everyone I love with me for a single moment in time. It made my birthday rock. : ) We also did some karoake--which is ALWAYS a good idea.
Doing quite a bit of radio work at the moment. Broadcasts and planning and, well, stuff. It's fun though for the most part. I'm working on getting WMTS a new website which is super exciting. We need it BAD. Pumped.
It's been quite difficult the past two weeks-- Frazier's mommy, Mary Kae, was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. She had breast cancer just a few years ago and this just kills me to think that she has to go through this again. But she's fighting and she has a lot of people behind her praying and giving their support. I know she is going to beat this!!
Been working on grad school apps and whatnot. That is a full-time job for sure. Not completely sure if I want to go in the fall of next year or not, but I want to have plenty of options if I decide to for sure. I'm also auditioning at TTA which is coming up soon. Hopefully that will open many doors for me for when I graduate. We will see!!! : )
Life is going well for the most part. School is CAAHHHRAZY busy, but that's the norm. "I'll Be Seeing You" opened last weekend at MIllworks. It's a really great show, and I hope the word gets out about it. It's very difficult to open a theatre in general, but especially in today's economy. Hopefully, audiences will pick up. A ton of my family and friends were able to make it on Friday night, so that made me super happy...
Speaking of family and friends, Fraiz and my Mom mischeviously put together a surprise party for me. I had noooo idea and it was incredibly weird walking in to my parents' house seeing most of my best friends and family. Such a wonderful moment-- everyone I love with me for a single moment in time. It made my birthday rock. : ) We also did some karoake--which is ALWAYS a good idea.
Doing quite a bit of radio work at the moment. Broadcasts and planning and, well, stuff. It's fun though for the most part. I'm working on getting WMTS a new website which is super exciting. We need it BAD. Pumped.
It's been quite difficult the past two weeks-- Frazier's mommy, Mary Kae, was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. She had breast cancer just a few years ago and this just kills me to think that she has to go through this again. But she's fighting and she has a lot of people behind her praying and giving their support. I know she is going to beat this!!
Been working on grad school apps and whatnot. That is a full-time job for sure. Not completely sure if I want to go in the fall of next year or not, but I want to have plenty of options if I decide to for sure. I'm also auditioning at TTA which is coming up soon. Hopefully that will open many doors for me for when I graduate. We will see!!! : )
Thursday, September 10, 2009
There's just no tellin'....
Where I'll be this same time next year, that is. I have no idea..BUT I do know it's going to be exciting, and it's going to be something I love doing. People keep asking me what my plans are after I graduate. My response is, "My plan is to not have a plan". I won't know until right before I graduate what I'm actually going to. Beforehand, I am going to audition like crazy for things all over the place, and apply to grad schools.... and from there, well, I will have done my part. I really really don't want to sit around in the same place. I want my life to be ever-changing. Sometimes I see people not doing what they love and living such a stagnate life. I never want to be that unmotivated. Gotta keep chuggin, Alli... just keep chugging! lol. Yes, I'm talking to myself.
I'm really enjoying school. I feel like I'm finally (yes, in my fifth year!) getting used to really being a student...and not just any kind of student-- no no no!!-- a good student!! lol. And I'm actually enjoying school work. Errrrr, that just makes me nerd, doesn't it?
I just got cast in a musical called "I'll Be Seeing You" out at Millworks Theatre-- a splendid new theatre out at the Mill in Lebanon. The show is written and directed by Lydia. Super stoked to get started on it. It is such a good feeling to be able to do something that you love and actually get paid to do it. I am (to an extent) living my dream! : ) It is definitely going to be crazy for the next couple of weeks!! It opens on October 1st. More details to come.
I threw Fraiz a (semi-)surprise 21st birthday party this past weekend. It was a freakin blast and it was so so good to see everyone!
I'm taking Conducting this semester. It's weird though.. I thought it would be the most difficult class, but I kinda feel like I'm pretty good at it. I know that I will for sure be using the skills at some point in my life. I could definitely see myself being a musical director for a show. Hopefully I'll get many opportunites to do so.
I've been walking a LOT since I've been home. Anytime that I drive my car, I feel so lazy!! I think I truly am now a European at heart. Oh I so hope I get to travel again very soon!! Paris was sooooo beautiful-- picnics in front of the Lourve and under the Eiffel Tower, amazing sunsets, wine and cheese and baguettes! lol. And Germany is just as picturesque-- no words to describe.
Well, time for some coffee and a book. Peace, love, and motivation.
I'm really enjoying school. I feel like I'm finally (yes, in my fifth year!) getting used to really being a student...and not just any kind of student-- no no no!!-- a good student!! lol. And I'm actually enjoying school work. Errrrr, that just makes me nerd, doesn't it?
I just got cast in a musical called "I'll Be Seeing You" out at Millworks Theatre-- a splendid new theatre out at the Mill in Lebanon. The show is written and directed by Lydia. Super stoked to get started on it. It is such a good feeling to be able to do something that you love and actually get paid to do it. I am (to an extent) living my dream! : ) It is definitely going to be crazy for the next couple of weeks!! It opens on October 1st. More details to come.
I threw Fraiz a (semi-)surprise 21st birthday party this past weekend. It was a freakin blast and it was so so good to see everyone!
I'm taking Conducting this semester. It's weird though.. I thought it would be the most difficult class, but I kinda feel like I'm pretty good at it. I know that I will for sure be using the skills at some point in my life. I could definitely see myself being a musical director for a show. Hopefully I'll get many opportunites to do so.
I've been walking a LOT since I've been home. Anytime that I drive my car, I feel so lazy!! I think I truly am now a European at heart. Oh I so hope I get to travel again very soon!! Paris was sooooo beautiful-- picnics in front of the Lourve and under the Eiffel Tower, amazing sunsets, wine and cheese and baguettes! lol. And Germany is just as picturesque-- no words to describe.
Well, time for some coffee and a book. Peace, love, and motivation.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Hello cyberworld. If you exist.
So many things going on right now!
Fraiz and I are grrreat. I leave for Germany in 2 weeks! Exactly! Cannot wait. I miss that boy like craaazy. He sent me the sweetest card you could possibly imagine today. : ) It made me smile. I think I've read it like 3 times already. lol.
Got a new job! Hosting Karoake at The Rusty Nail out in Hermitage. It's pretty awesome. $10 an hour plus tips! woot woot!
Been working at SNS still-- ya know, gotta pay the bills. Almost have my credit cards paid off!! I worked yesterday from 9am-midnight, but it was worth it. $230 baaabay.
The show at Chaffin's is almost coming to a close. It's been real, fun, and real fun. Auditioning for a show at Millworks, the new theatre out in Lebanon, soon. We will see it how it goes!
Got some new headshots finally. Wesley Young of Carter Photography. He's great. I'll put them up later.
Still managing WMTS-- oh the student media center, sigh. And working at WMOT. No, we have not lost the station to those of you who keep asking. It will be going, unfortunately, to a more news/talk radio format, but we are still keeping some jazz. I know, I know. I'm sad, too.
Got my bubby a job with me at sns. : ) It makes me sad to see my little brother growing up so quickly, but I'm glad that we are staying close and I can tell that we are growing closer everyday--which I love.
I had a dream about war last night. As in I was running around a building with my niece in my arms and bombs were dropping from the sky. Incredibly frightening and I hope I never live to see the day.
Paige had her baby! Little Caden Cole. : ) Julie is due soon!! Ah! And it's a girl. : )
I think this just about covers it! Peace, love, and don't eat steak n shake's butter burger.
So many things going on right now!
Fraiz and I are grrreat. I leave for Germany in 2 weeks! Exactly! Cannot wait. I miss that boy like craaazy. He sent me the sweetest card you could possibly imagine today. : ) It made me smile. I think I've read it like 3 times already. lol.
Got a new job! Hosting Karoake at The Rusty Nail out in Hermitage. It's pretty awesome. $10 an hour plus tips! woot woot!
Been working at SNS still-- ya know, gotta pay the bills. Almost have my credit cards paid off!! I worked yesterday from 9am-midnight, but it was worth it. $230 baaabay.
The show at Chaffin's is almost coming to a close. It's been real, fun, and real fun. Auditioning for a show at Millworks, the new theatre out in Lebanon, soon. We will see it how it goes!
Got some new headshots finally. Wesley Young of Carter Photography. He's great. I'll put them up later.
Still managing WMTS-- oh the student media center, sigh. And working at WMOT. No, we have not lost the station to those of you who keep asking. It will be going, unfortunately, to a more news/talk radio format, but we are still keeping some jazz. I know, I know. I'm sad, too.
Got my bubby a job with me at sns. : ) It makes me sad to see my little brother growing up so quickly, but I'm glad that we are staying close and I can tell that we are growing closer everyday--which I love.
I had a dream about war last night. As in I was running around a building with my niece in my arms and bombs were dropping from the sky. Incredibly frightening and I hope I never live to see the day.
Paige had her baby! Little Caden Cole. : ) Julie is due soon!! Ah! And it's a girl. : )
I think this just about covers it! Peace, love, and don't eat steak n shake's butter burger.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
So much has happened since I last posted... I'll try to cover it all:
-Sarah and the Secret of the Cellar opens on Tuesday at Chaffin's Barn. I play the role of "Fake Suzie"... It's really fun and I get to play several different characters and whatnot. Hope all of you can make it out. It just might make you pee in your pants. Hilarious... or I'd like to think so myself anyways. The show costs $8, which includes drinks and all shows start at 11am. www.dinnertheatre.com
-I've also been working at SNS as much as possible. I made $150 the other night from the Bonnaroo rush AND I got to wait on Claudio, the lead singer of Coheed and Cambria! Woo! Love them!
-Fraiz wants me to come see him in Germany again, so I am....attempting.. to save up money. I would really like to. I love me some Germans. If I go, we'll also be taking a trip to Spain as well... which is awesome.
-I'm starting a band. It's gonna be pretty amazing. I hope. lol. : ) I found an awesome guitarist who seems really motivated and whatnot. We'll see how it goes!!
-I finally got to get out of the rents' house today. Two weeks was three weeks too long to be staying there. I don't know why I thought that'd be a good idea for a little while... ugh. LOVE my family. Living with them---nooooot so much.
-More later! Much love! : )
-Sarah and the Secret of the Cellar opens on Tuesday at Chaffin's Barn. I play the role of "Fake Suzie"... It's really fun and I get to play several different characters and whatnot. Hope all of you can make it out. It just might make you pee in your pants. Hilarious... or I'd like to think so myself anyways. The show costs $8, which includes drinks and all shows start at 11am. www.dinnertheatre.com
-I've also been working at SNS as much as possible. I made $150 the other night from the Bonnaroo rush AND I got to wait on Claudio, the lead singer of Coheed and Cambria! Woo! Love them!
-Fraiz wants me to come see him in Germany again, so I am....attempting.. to save up money. I would really like to. I love me some Germans. If I go, we'll also be taking a trip to Spain as well... which is awesome.
-I'm starting a band. It's gonna be pretty amazing. I hope. lol. : ) I found an awesome guitarist who seems really motivated and whatnot. We'll see how it goes!!
-I finally got to get out of the rents' house today. Two weeks was three weeks too long to be staying there. I don't know why I thought that'd be a good idea for a little while... ugh. LOVE my family. Living with them---nooooot so much.
-More later! Much love! : )
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
I danced...
today for 45 minutes by myself.
Empowering. lol.
Tonight we have our first read-thru of Sarah and the Secret Cellar at Chaffin's. It should be fun. : )
Empowering. lol.
Tonight we have our first read-thru of Sarah and the Secret Cellar at Chaffin's. It should be fun. : )
Saturday, May 30, 2009
a relaxing, much-needed hiatus
Today has been so so wonderful. Well, starting from last night really.. I went to bed at a decent time, got up on my own time, having gotten the first full complete's night sleep I've had in a long time, and waking up without an alarm!! I had my phone turned off the majority of the day, which factored into the relaxation. I'm house-sitting for Kim, so my day simply consisted of: exercising, reading, writing, running with Sawtelle, and listening to music(Beethoveen, mostly... except when I decided to listen to Schoenberg, fell asleep, and woke up to the extrenuous sounds of "Pierrot Lunaire" when it reached an incredibly forte moment...ugh). As far as working out goes, now that I HAVE TIME!! YAY!!... I am going to be even more hardcore. lol...
I'm still working on Sophie's Choice. It's a loooong book...good, but long... and I am very a.d.d. when it comes to reading. I am actually reading about 5 different books right now... a few pages of each daily.: As I Lay Dying, a book on African history, Collected Poems of Plath, along with her college journals, a book of poetry by Emily Dickinson... hmm.. oh, and I read some Self magazines today.... I'm kind of a bit of a health nut. I just enjoy being knowledgable in an area that COULD POSSIBLY DECIDE THE LENGTH OF MY LIFE! lol. By the way, the book Fantastic Voyage by Kurzweil is great. So great that it convinced me to take a total of about 12 vitamins daily... sometimes more. I mean, if you can do something to make yourself healthier, why not??
After a beautiful day, I have decided to start scheduling myself "me" days. It really is necessary. And the way that my life is always busy and scheduled... it would be necessary to plan my selfism. That's just the way my life goes. Maybe one day working my butt off will actually pay off!! ha!
I'm still working on Sophie's Choice. It's a loooong book...good, but long... and I am very a.d.d. when it comes to reading. I am actually reading about 5 different books right now... a few pages of each daily.: As I Lay Dying, a book on African history, Collected Poems of Plath, along with her college journals, a book of poetry by Emily Dickinson... hmm.. oh, and I read some Self magazines today.... I'm kind of a bit of a health nut. I just enjoy being knowledgable in an area that COULD POSSIBLY DECIDE THE LENGTH OF MY LIFE! lol. By the way, the book Fantastic Voyage by Kurzweil is great. So great that it convinced me to take a total of about 12 vitamins daily... sometimes more. I mean, if you can do something to make yourself healthier, why not??
After a beautiful day, I have decided to start scheduling myself "me" days. It really is necessary. And the way that my life is always busy and scheduled... it would be necessary to plan my selfism. That's just the way my life goes. Maybe one day working my butt off will actually pay off!! ha!
Friday, May 29, 2009
A vent
I don't understand why people feel the need to buy cats and dogs. There are so many animals that need homes....that are free (other than shots) at shelters. Why is it that people just have to have the teeny tiny dogs...or the full-bred dogs? When you buy a dog, you are supporting these people that "grow" these dogs. There are way too many dogs without homes to support people breeding dogs unnaturally. Please think about it. All I ask.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire
No wonder the movie won tons of awards. From what I've studied about Mumbai, they really seemed to hit the nail on the head in this depiction of life. It's sad but a lot of the movie reminded me of Honduras-- the conditions, the children having to fend for themselves and fight for their lives. : ( I wish I had magical powers so I could steal all the children away and make their lives better. When I see those children, it makes me want to adopt like fifty kids...or as many as I could take care of. : / Which probably isn't many at the moment...I have tons of love though!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
the times they are a changin'
Went riding with my daddio tonight. It's so weird that I get more freaked out riding on motorcycles than I do jumping out of airplanes? I don't think that will ever make sense to me. However, riding the motorcycle tonight did make me want to go skydiving again. If I weren't so busy with other things, I would sooo become certified so I could go allllll the time.
Spent some time with my grandparents tonight. It's amazing how things can change so much from one generation to the next. Sometimes it seems as if we are all on completely different planets from each other-- which is fine, I guess. I love my family so so so much. I would truly do anything in the world for them. When I talk to some of my friends about their families, they don't seem like they even enjoy spending time with them. I don't get it. I mean, we are completely different and sometimes we butt heads horribly, but that doesn't change the comforting feeling I get when I walk into their house. Let me tell you though-- I really am the odd one out in my family. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but when my papaw asked me who I voted for tonight, I couldn't just lie to him. : /
Spent some time with my grandparents tonight. It's amazing how things can change so much from one generation to the next. Sometimes it seems as if we are all on completely different planets from each other-- which is fine, I guess. I love my family so so so much. I would truly do anything in the world for them. When I talk to some of my friends about their families, they don't seem like they even enjoy spending time with them. I don't get it. I mean, we are completely different and sometimes we butt heads horribly, but that doesn't change the comforting feeling I get when I walk into their house. Let me tell you though-- I really am the odd one out in my family. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but when my papaw asked me who I voted for tonight, I couldn't just lie to him. : /
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Sounds of Smooth Jazz
Up here at WMOT doing the weather and traffic. Going to the Heritage Dance Project tonight at 7:30. You guys should come-- Cannon County Arts Center.
Last night, I hung out with Matt. It's nice to talk with a person who is as passionate as you are about theatre. Theatre is definitely an area that you have to continuously encourage yourself in. It can be such a downer being such a competitive field. You just have to overlook the negativity and keep your head on straight, not letting anything get you down. Encouragement is also nice. Being immersed in theatre is such a wonderful thing and I truly feel that theatre is life-changing... It has such a great impact on so many people's lives. I think that is what keeps me going strong day to day. Seeing it change people is enough to continue.
Last night, I hung out with Matt. It's nice to talk with a person who is as passionate as you are about theatre. Theatre is definitely an area that you have to continuously encourage yourself in. It can be such a downer being such a competitive field. You just have to overlook the negativity and keep your head on straight, not letting anything get you down. Encouragement is also nice. Being immersed in theatre is such a wonderful thing and I truly feel that theatre is life-changing... It has such a great impact on so many people's lives. I think that is what keeps me going strong day to day. Seeing it change people is enough to continue.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Thoughts on the Holocaust
Did a reading of Dear Finder last night. Twas wonderful. It's weird that we're doing it at MT this Fall... Not too long ago, I randomly started doing research on the Holocaust. I had this weird overwhelming interest. I think it's because I knew there was more to it than my mind knew about. We are raised with the term just thrown around... like "oh yeah... the Holocaust... Hitler and the Jews... Yeah, I know about that." We become so desensitized and disconnected from the idea. When I started doing research, I definitely learned a bit more than I had bargained for. It's a horrible though that so many people can do such a terrible thing and no one actually stands up to tell them how wrong it is. The Jews reached out to every other country during that time and no one would help them. They were just waiting for another country to do it...and waiting...and waiting... and waiting...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Make-ups, Auditions, and Readings. Oh MY!
I auditioned for the Rep yesterday. I'll know if I get called back or not sometime this week. They are doing Proof and Big River in the Spring, which is when I would be available. I also had a callback with Nashville Children's Theatre the other day for their show "Miss Nelson Is Missing". I won't hear back from them until sometime in early June I believe.
Today I'm soaping out a hairline and doing Queen Elizabeth make-up. Woo! If any of you are interested in coming in and letting me do make-up on you, please let me know. I need as many guinea pigs..errr...victims... err... I just need someone to other than myself to practice on. : )
Tonight we are doing a playreading of Dear Finder at 6pm at Fairview if anyone wants to join! Everyone is welcome!!
Today I'm soaping out a hairline and doing Queen Elizabeth make-up. Woo! If any of you are interested in coming in and letting me do make-up on you, please let me know. I need as many guinea pigs..errr...victims... err... I just need someone to other than myself to practice on. : )
Tonight we are doing a playreading of Dear Finder at 6pm at Fairview if anyone wants to join! Everyone is welcome!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Frost Bitten
We're under a frost advisory. In May. Just sayin'.
Yesterday, I did a frozen make-up. Turned out well. I'll post pictures up later. I think I'm going to join the student MAC program that the make-up cosmetics company offers. You get tons of discounts-- something well needed in this field. I am going to try to pursue make-up a bit. I really enjoy it. Not to mention-- It is too much fun!
I have another audition today. Woo!
It is quite interesting being an actor in Nashville. It's a very tight-knit community and semi-hard to break into. So far, though, I have really enjoyed all the wonderful people I've met.
I still don't know what I want to do regarding my career in a year or so-- if I want to stay here for a little while, go to grad school, move to NY... Who knows. I guess only time will tell. Besides- It's fun being spontaneous and not knowing what to expect.
Yesterday, I did a frozen make-up. Turned out well. I'll post pictures up later. I think I'm going to join the student MAC program that the make-up cosmetics company offers. You get tons of discounts-- something well needed in this field. I am going to try to pursue make-up a bit. I really enjoy it. Not to mention-- It is too much fun!
I have another audition today. Woo!
It is quite interesting being an actor in Nashville. It's a very tight-knit community and semi-hard to break into. So far, though, I have really enjoyed all the wonderful people I've met.
I still don't know what I want to do regarding my career in a year or so-- if I want to stay here for a little while, go to grad school, move to NY... Who knows. I guess only time will tell. Besides- It's fun being spontaneous and not knowing what to expect.
Monday, May 18, 2009
I just saw two birds fighting and it was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.
Another audition tomorrow! Fun fun! I'll keep you posted.
Me and some friends are going to be doing a play reading of Deerfinder this Wednesday night at Fairview if anyone wants to join. MTSU will be producing Deerfinder this Fall. It's a show dealing with the Holocaust-- referencing other prejudices as well.
When I think about the Holocaust, it is almost impossible for tears to not flood my eyes. It's so easy to be removed from the idea, but when you truly think about the fact that someone (or people rather) are capable of doing such horrible things, it is heartbreaking. No one deserves to be treated that way-- no matter how much you disagree with the way they are living their lives. No one.
Another audition tomorrow! Fun fun! I'll keep you posted.
Me and some friends are going to be doing a play reading of Deerfinder this Wednesday night at Fairview if anyone wants to join. MTSU will be producing Deerfinder this Fall. It's a show dealing with the Holocaust-- referencing other prejudices as well.
When I think about the Holocaust, it is almost impossible for tears to not flood my eyes. It's so easy to be removed from the idea, but when you truly think about the fact that someone (or people rather) are capable of doing such horrible things, it is heartbreaking. No one deserves to be treated that way-- no matter how much you disagree with the way they are living their lives. No one.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Don't wake me. I plan on sleeping in.
Guten Morgen,
The plan was to sleep in. For some reason, though, I really enjoy mornings....So I didn't. I always think of this picture Kim Neal has at his house. It's this crazy looking lady holding a cup of coffee with a huge grin on her face, and at the bottom it says "Sleep when your dead". lol. There are way too many things that I want to do instead of sleeping--NOT that I don't like sleep. I always try to get 8 hours...just not much more than that.
Today is Nicole's graduation! My best friend! I'm so happy for her. That girl is going to do something with her life, I know! I'm so proud. *tear
I have some ideas for a one-woman show. I think I'm going to start developing that.
The plan was to sleep in. For some reason, though, I really enjoy mornings....So I didn't. I always think of this picture Kim Neal has at his house. It's this crazy looking lady holding a cup of coffee with a huge grin on her face, and at the bottom it says "Sleep when your dead". lol. There are way too many things that I want to do instead of sleeping--NOT that I don't like sleep. I always try to get 8 hours...just not much more than that.
Today is Nicole's graduation! My best friend! I'm so happy for her. That girl is going to do something with her life, I know! I'm so proud. *tear
I have some ideas for a one-woman show. I think I'm going to start developing that.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Gorgeous Again
I am really getting used to this warm weather. Sigh.
I'm working on developing a character for make-up class. We're going to be creating a short horror film. I would really like to base my character off of the "Elephant Man", or someone with a similiar deformity. Last night, I created a large appendage on my niece Savannah's face. It was great. I'll have to post pics up later. Let me tell ya though-- Even though she said she was up for the challenge... Take my advice: Do not use young ones for long make-up processes. Lol.
I'm working on developing a character for make-up class. We're going to be creating a short horror film. I would really like to base my character off of the "Elephant Man", or someone with a similiar deformity. Last night, I created a large appendage on my niece Savannah's face. It was great. I'll have to post pics up later. Let me tell ya though-- Even though she said she was up for the challenge... Take my advice: Do not use young ones for long make-up processes. Lol.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Update: Sarah and the Secret Cellar
I told you guys I'd update you on the auditions, so here it goes.
I got into Sarah and the Secret Cellar, a children's show written by Nate Eppler and directed by Dietz Osborne, at Chaffin's Barn Dinner Theatre in Bellevue. I'll be playing the role of "Fake Suzie". She's an imaginary character that is made up in the mind of Sarah. She creates Suzie to say all of the things to Suzie, a girl at school that she doesn't like, that she wants to. I'll keep you posted later on the dates and stuff.
I got into Sarah and the Secret Cellar, a children's show written by Nate Eppler and directed by Dietz Osborne, at Chaffin's Barn Dinner Theatre in Bellevue. I'll be playing the role of "Fake Suzie". She's an imaginary character that is made up in the mind of Sarah. She creates Suzie to say all of the things to Suzie, a girl at school that she doesn't like, that she wants to. I'll keep you posted later on the dates and stuff.
Blue skies smilin' at me

Good morning world,
I have my little niece Summer in my lap at the moment. : )
I said I would post some pictures of the make-ups I've done so far. Here they are: Frazier in Old-Age, an open wound before being applied to the skin, a burn Scar, a bad sunburn with peeling and blisters on only one side, and a frog.
I'll have more up later.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Cold Coffee
I've been spending a lot of time in Nashville this week-- unusual. I think when we get so used to living in the same place for a while it just becomes boring to us. But when I think about it I really do enjoy the city.
I'm reading a book...well, when I have time that is. It's called Sophie's Choice. I've been told there's a movie out based on it with Meryl Streep in it. Heard it's pretty good. I'll watch it when I'm done reading the book. But, so far, the book has been AMAZING. I find it interesting reading books from a male perspective... especially this one. It really gives you insight into the way men think... well, some anyway.
This week I'm going to start on my grad school apps. Still looking into different places. The Central School of Drama at the University of London is my number one choice as of right now. I'm still not quite convinced to go for sure though, but I figure filling out the apps wouldn't hurt. Still have a year to make up my mind...sorta.
Ya know, everyone typically just moves to New York. Not that the idea doesn't sound wonderful, but I just can't quite make up my mind. If I do grad school though, I know for sure that I only want to go part-time...so I still have time to perform. I can't NOT perform. It isn't an option.
This is definitely the week of callbacks and auditions. I'll keep ya posted.
Time to heat up my coffee.
I'm reading a book...well, when I have time that is. It's called Sophie's Choice. I've been told there's a movie out based on it with Meryl Streep in it. Heard it's pretty good. I'll watch it when I'm done reading the book. But, so far, the book has been AMAZING. I find it interesting reading books from a male perspective... especially this one. It really gives you insight into the way men think... well, some anyway.
This week I'm going to start on my grad school apps. Still looking into different places. The Central School of Drama at the University of London is my number one choice as of right now. I'm still not quite convinced to go for sure though, but I figure filling out the apps wouldn't hurt. Still have a year to make up my mind...sorta.
Ya know, everyone typically just moves to New York. Not that the idea doesn't sound wonderful, but I just can't quite make up my mind. If I do grad school though, I know for sure that I only want to go part-time...so I still have time to perform. I can't NOT perform. It isn't an option.
This is definitely the week of callbacks and auditions. I'll keep ya posted.
Time to heat up my coffee.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
A Beautiful Morning
It is absolutely gorgeous outside today.
I'm about to head to my may-mester class. I'm taking Advanced Make-up techniques with Bev (who is practically HUGE in the make-up field right now--go her! tenure needed? anyone?). The goal of the class is to make a film at the end of the course to put our make-ups on camera. We are doing all sorts of zombie make-ups, wounds, extreme nasty sunburn, you name it! haha. Tons of super exciting things. I will try to post some of the pictures of my work up on here when I am finished.
Last night was way too much fun. I was in Nashville for an audition, so Fraiz met me there afterwards. We went to Sam's sushi and it was the best sushi I've had in my life. We also talked to Sam for a little while. I've decided to write a play with his character in it; he is so animated and quirky. I love it!
Then we met my boy-- Andy Kanies!-- at Cafe Coco and grabbed some coffee. Fun times.
Need to run to class!! : )
I'm about to head to my may-mester class. I'm taking Advanced Make-up techniques with Bev (who is practically HUGE in the make-up field right now--go her! tenure needed? anyone?). The goal of the class is to make a film at the end of the course to put our make-ups on camera. We are doing all sorts of zombie make-ups, wounds, extreme nasty sunburn, you name it! haha. Tons of super exciting things. I will try to post some of the pictures of my work up on here when I am finished.
Last night was way too much fun. I was in Nashville for an audition, so Fraiz met me there afterwards. We went to Sam's sushi and it was the best sushi I've had in my life. We also talked to Sam for a little while. I've decided to write a play with his character in it; he is so animated and quirky. I love it!
Then we met my boy-- Andy Kanies!-- at Cafe Coco and grabbed some coffee. Fun times.
Need to run to class!! : )
Monday, May 11, 2009
A First Statement
Life really is remarkable.
I hit a point recently in my life-- A point where I can look back at my life for the first time in my life and honestly learn something from it.
College really is an experience. I'm almost finished and I feel that I am a completely different from when I started.
I recently returned from Honduras. Me, along with a few other MTSU students, wrote a chldren's musical called "A Better Way", and performed it at different elementary schools and orphanages in and near the city of Comayagua. The children were wonderful; they were well-disciplined, sweet as could be, and incredibly appreciative of everything they had. The majority of the children that we came into contact with were terribly poor and many were not even sure where their next meal would come from, or if they were even to get one at all. The most interesting part, however, is how happy these people were. They didn't have much, some not even a single family member to lean on, yet most were so so happy.
Now that I am back and the witness of many petty arguments and petty spending on unneccessary things, I realize how ridiculously well off most of us are here in the States. Personally, I have the best family and friends in the world, great health, and not a single true worry other than school and work stuff-- things that are incomparable to living to survive.
We met a little old lady in the village of Cane there named Clementina. She is about 80 years old and has dedicated her whole life to the children. She was a professor for many many years. She noticed that many of the children in her classes were falling asleep. She realized the reason was because they weren't getting fed properly, resulting in the children not having any energy to focus on their studies. Clementina decided to start a "Soup Kitchen" in the village in which she, along with her own personal money, accepted donations and provided the children with at least one meal a day. Many years later, Clementina is now retired and the soup kitchen has lost most of its funding. She has been using much of her own retirement pension to buy food for the kitchen, but we all know retirement is not nearly enough. When we arrived in Cane last week, the soup kitchen refrigerator was completely empty and the stove had broken. While we were there, we gave her money to purchase a stove and filled her fridge full of food for the children.
The generosity and dedication that Clementina had was truly inspirational to me. She is a gift to this Earth, and if we had more Clementinas, this world would be a better place.
The point is-- Don't take your life forgranted. You have so much to be thankful for. We life in a "wanting" society--Constantly wanting what we don't have and wanting more than we do. Enough is never enough.
I am planning on going back to Honduras within the next year or so to teach English/do volunteer work at Enlaces, an elementary school in Comayagua. Hermes, the principal and my friend, will provide housing and food, along with monthly pay. I think it is a great opportunity for me, and after being there once, I've realized it is definitely my turn to give back and do more.
I hit a point recently in my life-- A point where I can look back at my life for the first time in my life and honestly learn something from it.
College really is an experience. I'm almost finished and I feel that I am a completely different from when I started.
I recently returned from Honduras. Me, along with a few other MTSU students, wrote a chldren's musical called "A Better Way", and performed it at different elementary schools and orphanages in and near the city of Comayagua. The children were wonderful; they were well-disciplined, sweet as could be, and incredibly appreciative of everything they had. The majority of the children that we came into contact with were terribly poor and many were not even sure where their next meal would come from, or if they were even to get one at all. The most interesting part, however, is how happy these people were. They didn't have much, some not even a single family member to lean on, yet most were so so happy.
Now that I am back and the witness of many petty arguments and petty spending on unneccessary things, I realize how ridiculously well off most of us are here in the States. Personally, I have the best family and friends in the world, great health, and not a single true worry other than school and work stuff-- things that are incomparable to living to survive.
We met a little old lady in the village of Cane there named Clementina. She is about 80 years old and has dedicated her whole life to the children. She was a professor for many many years. She noticed that many of the children in her classes were falling asleep. She realized the reason was because they weren't getting fed properly, resulting in the children not having any energy to focus on their studies. Clementina decided to start a "Soup Kitchen" in the village in which she, along with her own personal money, accepted donations and provided the children with at least one meal a day. Many years later, Clementina is now retired and the soup kitchen has lost most of its funding. She has been using much of her own retirement pension to buy food for the kitchen, but we all know retirement is not nearly enough. When we arrived in Cane last week, the soup kitchen refrigerator was completely empty and the stove had broken. While we were there, we gave her money to purchase a stove and filled her fridge full of food for the children.
The generosity and dedication that Clementina had was truly inspirational to me. She is a gift to this Earth, and if we had more Clementinas, this world would be a better place.
The point is-- Don't take your life forgranted. You have so much to be thankful for. We life in a "wanting" society--Constantly wanting what we don't have and wanting more than we do. Enough is never enough.
I am planning on going back to Honduras within the next year or so to teach English/do volunteer work at Enlaces, an elementary school in Comayagua. Hermes, the principal and my friend, will provide housing and food, along with monthly pay. I think it is a great opportunity for me, and after being there once, I've realized it is definitely my turn to give back and do more.
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